Microbiology Student Aid Fund

During the national campus unrest of the 1970s, the bacteriology department under the leadership of Dr. Herb Nakata “invited state legislators, campus administrators, and interested faculty to a series of racial workshops. These led to the development of policies against racism and the establishment of the departmental Student Aid Fund. Initially supported by faculty and graduate students and later by alumni, this first departmental fund assisted majors from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.” From a Mini- history of the Department of Microbiology at Washington State University by H.M. Nakata, 2001.
Scholarship Recipients
- Jessica Harris, 2010
- Kyla Hills, 2011
- Tiffany Hylkema, 2012
- Matthew Bremgartner, 2013
- Paige Blue, 2014
- Megan Francies, Katie Salmon, 2015
- Seth Schneider, 2016
Questions about giving? Contact Lynne Haley or 509-335-5021.
To make a gift by mail:
Please make your check out to “WSUF” (Washington State University Foundation) and indicate the fund name. Send the check to:
College of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 647010
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
WSUF-IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542