Program in Individualized Medicine (PrIMe) Development Fund

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Join us to support the WSU Program in Individualized Medicine (PrIMe)

PrIMe improves diagnostics and optimizes treatment for individual patients.  This is the promise of the field of individualized medicine, personalized medicine or precision medicine.

The MDR1 genetic test offered by WSU will determine if your pet has the MDR1 mutation. For dogs and cats with the MDR1 mutation, common medications can be potentially deadly.

Questions about giving? Contact Lynne Haley or 509-335-5021.

To make a gift by mail:

Please make your check out to “WSUF” (Washington State University Foundation) and indicate the fund name. Send the check to:

College of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 647010
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
WSUF-IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542

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