Ernie and Beryl Stowe Scholarship Endowment Fund

Both Ernie and Beryl Stowe were born in Washington State, Ernie in Tacoma and Beryl in Spokane. Ernie attended Washington State College in 1949-50 before serving three years in the Army during the Korean War. He owned and raced Thoroughbred horses from 1975 to 1995 and developed a keen interest in the health and welfare of the horses and the knowledge of the veterinarians tending them. Ernie retired from The Boeing Company after 32 years in computing.
Beryl attended Washington State College from 1952 to 1956, graduating in General Studies. Moving to a small farm near Colville at the age of 12, she became quite familiar with work horses and cattle, and developed an interest in large animals. After raising their two children, Beryl retired from The Boeing Company after 12 years as an executive secretary.
Questions about giving? Contact Lynne Haley or 509-335-5021.
To make a gift by mail:
Please make your check out to “WSUF” (Washington State University Foundation) and indicate the fund name. Send the check to:
College of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 647010
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
WSUF-IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542