Patricia C. and Eugene E. Youngman Endowed Science Scholarship

Pat (Chamber) Youngman grew up near Yakima, Washington, during the Depression. A $500 inheritance from her grandfather made the dream of a college education into reality for Pat. Pat and Gene met at WSU and were married the same week they graduated in 1943: Pat with a BS in Bacteriology and Public Health, and Gen with a Bachelor’s degree in Business. Gene began a life career with General Mills in Spokane, with various transfers until they settled in Palo Alto, California. As the family moved, Pat worked as a hospital medical technician, bacteriologist for Darigold, VA medical technician, and doctor’s assistant. Gene died in 1976. Pat moved to Anacortes and became instrumental in the propagation of wild plants at the WSU Mount Vernon Research and Extension Center. Pat passed away in February 2010.
Scholarship Recipients
- Kylie Butler, Ezra Mead, Sean Thompson, 2020
- Brett Baerlocher, Brooke Barton, Alexandra Belohlavek, Henry Harrison, Sean Thompson, 2019
- Blake Cohoe, Henry Harrison, Zachary Howard, Courtney Klappenbach, Davis Poppe, 2018
- Zachary Howard, Elizabeth Rice-Reynolds, Kristin Scott, Anna Wood, 2017
- Margaux McBirney, Kristin Scott, 2016
- Christina Beckwith, Seth Schneider, 2015
- Erin Aguero, Christina Beckwith, Nicholas Howard, 2014
- Paige Blue, Jennifer Campbell, 2013
- Tiffany Hylkema, 2012
Questions about giving? Contact Lynne Haley or 509-335-5021.
To make a gift by mail:
Please make your check out to “WSUF” (Washington State University Foundation) and indicate the fund name. Send the check to:
College of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 647010
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
WSUF-IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542