Class of 1984 Scholarship

The scholarship is given in memory of members of the DVM class of 1984 who have passed away. It is awarded to a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year DVM student who has scholastic ability, family responsibilities, social adeptness and a personality that gives promise of relating well to clients and has financial need.

This scholarship was originally established by Dr. Thomas Montgomery’s wife, Lynn, after he passed away in 1989. He was just 35 years old. When Tom and Lynn’s daughter, Emily, passed away in 2012 leaving two small children, Lynn was no longer able to continue the support of the scholarship.

At that point, Tom’s veterinary classmates in the WSU Class of 1984 decided to continue the legacy in not only Tom’s memory, but in memory of all their classmates who have passed away:

  • Michael L. Hauser, DVM
  • John D. Inskeep, DVM
  • Calvin A. Richards, DVM
  • Glen C. Sanders, DVM
  • Valerie A. Stewart, DVM
  • Sharon Cochran Jensen, DVM

“Knowing that I will be graduating with the debt that is associated with graduate school can be overwhelming at times. This contribution will be a great help in relieving some of the stress on me and my family that the financial aspect of school can bring. This will allow me to worry less about the finances and focus that much more on my schooling.” – Clancy Mortensen (’20 DVM)

Scholarship Recipients

Joseph Francis, 2024
Nicole Sorensen, 2023
Winnie Mefford, 2022
Jordan Cornwall, 2021
Keni Harris, 2020
Bryant Taylor, 2019
Clancy Mortensen, 2018
Kryshelle Enderton, 2017
Lance Parker, 2016
Nathan Whiting, 2015
Clifford King, 2014
Ashlee Harding, 2013
Nicholas Snider, 2012
Dustin Clark, 2011
Summer Jackson, 2010
Summer Jackson, 2009
Sam Nielsen, 2008
Marshawn Orth, 2007
John Broyles, 2006
Clay Allred, 2005
Kevin Ballard, 2004
Kathy Hilkey, 2003
Jason VanLeuven, 2002
Kevin Crandall, 2001
Matt Dredge, 2000
Ty Johnson, 1999
Dan Butterfield & Scott Hannig, 1998
Carrie Goertz & Brian Keppler, 1997
Shaun Merchant & Leah Rainwater, 1996
Jeff Abbott & Sean Sanders, 1995
Steve Russell & Shawn Wogment, 1994
Scott Bender & Steve Sweeney, 1993
Christopher Cluff & Joanne Huyler, 1992
Win Fullmer & Jeff Rosenthal, 1991
Kirk Johnston & Jacob Steiger, 1990

More about Dr. Montgomery

Questions about giving? Contact Lynne Haley or 509-335-5021.

To make a gift by mail:

Please make your check out to “WSUF” (Washington State University Foundation) and indicate the fund name. Send the check to:

College of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 647010
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
WSUF-IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542

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