Ernest and Margaret Stone International Student Endowed Scholarship

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The distributions from the endowment fund may be used to provide fellowship stipends to be used by the recipient for such things including but not limited to tuition and fees, subsistence, research expenses, and other educationally related costs. Recipients shall be non-U.S. citizen graduate students in the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine with evidence of financial need.

Questions about giving? Contact Lynne Haley or 509-335-5021.

To make a gift by mail:

Please make your check out to “WSUF” (Washington State University Foundation) and indicate the fund name. Send the check to:

College of Veterinary Medicine
Attn: Development Office
PO Box 647010
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-7010
WSUF-IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542

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